Jeremy McGarity
February 23, 2007

The Vision

I'm excited to share with all of you the journey God has been leading me on lately. What else can I say but when God calls... you listen, that's it. It makes no sense to ignore His call. So, He has clearly said, it's not about your comfort or your position or any of the temporary things you've grown accustomed to, it's about obedience. I've always said to all of you at the Seven Community that the most dangerous prayer is "God Whatever" "Whatever you want God." I haven't just preached that to you, I've been praying that right along with you. And now He has CLEARLY shown me what that "WHATEVER" is. So, I'm looking forward to sharing that with you on Sunday February 25th at 7:00PM. See you Sunday Night @ Seven. Click on the link or copy into your browser to see the beginning of something BIG!!!!

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