Just enough time to write quickly. Israel has been incredible. Lots to tell you when I get back. I must be quick because the internet connection here at our hotel on the Sea of Galilee is sketchy at best. Today we visited Jesus' headquarters for ministry : Capernaum. Wow, what an experience. We sat on the shore and read John 21. That's exactly where we were...so much more. The picture is from today as we were reading Scripture on the shore at Tabgha, near Capernaum.
A couple other highlights. The picture here is of the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem. One is with a Rabbi I met at the Wall.

We explored some caves near the Valley of Elah where David fought Goliath. This cave was a tight!!! squeeze.

In the background of the picture below is the Valley of Elah. That's Pastor Kurt playing the role of Goliath and of course I would be the Victor DAVID!