Launch Thoughts

Let's say you're on an airplane. You know that adrenaline you get just before take off. Or, picture yourself on the space shuttle getting ready for blast off. There's that feeling of excitement and there's a feeling of slight fear (at least that's what my astronaut buddies tell me) that you know it's not all in your hands. You're about ready to be flying at mach speed which is exhilarating but you know you're not controlling the shuttle, or airplane. That's the way I'm feeling now.
As we prepare to launch Seven San Diego Church the thought hit me that there will never be another Sunday without Seven San Diego worshipping. I'm excited, there's a lot of adrenaline running through the body and there's the element of fear there too. Have we prepared enough, are all systems in place, do we know what the heck we're doing. I am confident we do which is what gives the adrenaline boost, but I also know there's much to do which can bring the fear. But, I do know who is in control. I'm not the captain of this shuttle. Thankfully, the One who is in charge knows what to do. He knows what's coming and He's prepared us and continues to prepare us for the ride of a lifetime.