Jeremy McGarity
December 6, 2012

14 Things Jesus Didn’t Say

I've learned a lot from Perry Noble... he's one of my best friends... he doesn't know me but I know him and have gleaned much wisdom. I want to share one of his recent posts.


We get things messed up from time to time…especially the words of Jesus…here is what He did NOT say…

#1 - “They will know you are my disciples by your theology, and the arrogance that accompanies it.”  (John 13:35)

#2 - “Dream really small dreams and make sure you never ask for anything big!”  (John 14:12-14Psalm 2:8)

#3 - “If someone doesn’t believe just like you believe…make sure to do all you can to attack, criticize and beat them down as much as possible.”  (Mark 9:38-41)

#4 - “Be tolerant of everyone…I am one of the many ways to God.”  (John 14:6)

#5 - “Make sure you make the church about you…that you are served well…please, don’t do anything that might cause you any type of inconvenience.  My goal is for you to be happy!”  (Matthew 20:28Luke 9:23-24)

#6 - “Please, whatever you do, DO NOT tell people the good news…keep it to yourself!  The reason I died on the cross is so that you could get into really small groups of people and talk about ‘deep things’ that aren’t going to help anyone when it comes to eternity.”  (Matthew 28:20Mark 16:15Luke 24:48John 20:21Acts 1:8Romans 10:14Romans 10:17)

#7 - “Don’t EVER try anything new…don’t ever take a risk…don’t ever take a step of faith.  Be AVERAGE!”  (Isaiah 43:18-19Hebrews 11:1Hebrews 11:6)

#8 - “You can follow me and it will not impact your money at all!”  (Matthew 6:19-24)

#9 - “Pray a prayer to get out of hell…and then live however you want.”  (John 14:15John 14:21)

#10 - “You can do it without me!”  (John 15:5)

#11 - “I don’t expect you OR your church to be fruitful in any way.”  (John 15:4)

#12 - “Isolate yourself from the world!”  (John 17:15)

#13 - “Make sure there is a time when you question my word because it will one day be no longer relevant.”  (Luke 21:33)

#14 - “Stop crying out to me in desperation…can’t you see I’m busy.”  (Mark 10:46-52)



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