Do You Believe In Jeremy?

My Ant Problem The other day, I was sitting in my backyard and I was staring at my ant problem. We live on a verifiable ant hill. So, I am always seeing ants around. Believe me. Even though I try to keep them away, they are always around. As I was sitting there, I decided to […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
April 6, 2022

Silence, "The Language of God"

“Silence is the language of God”- Thomas Keating I’m learning about the importance of silence and solitude. I’ve taught on it for years and I’ve practiced it periodically. I want to flip that sequence. God will not compete with our noise. He will not shout above the constant barrage of electronic stimulants and information overload. […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
February 22, 2010
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