Summer Break-ing

No matter who you are or what city, state, or country you live in, you are allotted a maximum of 168 hours a week that comes in 24-hour segments called days which add up to 7 days in a week. Yet, if you’re like me, our to-do lists are never-ending, and rest always appears just […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
June 15, 2022

Avoiding Burn Out

No matter who you are or what city, state, or country you live in, you are allotted a maximum of 168 hours a week that comes in 24 hour segments called days and adds up to 7 days a week. Yet, if you’re like me, our to-do lists are never-ending and rest always appears just […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
June 15, 2021

Forest Home

We just returned from the mountains of Forest Home and once again had an incredible time. God seems to meet us there on that mountain. I know He meets us in the valley too but it seems we can hear Him more clearly. It’s probably the lack of distractions, the calm peaceful setting, the snow […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
January 9, 2009
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