Jeremy McGarity
November 1, 2007

Riley Boy is 7

My big boy turned 7. What a great day we had. He got a ton of gifts including a skateboard. We took the board out for its maiden voyage and whamo! we've got a 7 year old Tony Hawk...he stood on the board and push it a bit and cruised around the sk8 park. It's a start. Riley also had fun with his cousin Theron and he had a huge party with all the great grandmas (two of them there!) grandmas (three of them) aunts and uncles, cousins, and friends. Lots of gifts, and lots of fun for the Ry Guy.

2 thoughts on “Riley Boy is 7”

  1. Happy birthday Ry-guy! We love and miss you out here in the desert. Glad you enjoyed your day. We were thinking of you. Hope you like your blanket.

  2. Anonymous said:

    Happy B-Day! We love you all and miss you! -The Nordstroms

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