Jeremy McGarity
March 7, 2008

Disaster in Toto!

Sorry 'bout the blogdelay, I know thousands of you have been waiting.

Ok, so the second service wasn't a was a piece that's for sure. We blew out all the power in the brand new AMC Theater, what a nightmare. The band plowed ahead, we got the power back up 5 minutes later and then POW! the power went out again. Had I dreamt this the night before I would have totally soiled myself and woke in a cold sweat. We got through it, gave everybody their money back and moved ahead on how to do better the following week. The next week was much smoother. And, last week was even better. So, improvement is the key. Keeping the big picture in mind is key too! We are moving forward.

We felt like MacGruber

For those of you who follow my blog and are in ministry here's a book that has really helped us lately as a ministry.

BOOK: Fusion by Nelson Searcy

It shows practical and meaningful ways to contact and connect first time guests at your church. Very helpful, highly recommended!

MUSIC: I'm listening to Wilco right now after sampling some new Kravitz.
BOOKS: I mentioned Fusion, I just finished reading Philip Yancy's PRAYER: "Does it Make Any Difference?" I'll summarize it in a word for you...YES.

I'm not normally a Yancy fan because frankly he's often depressing to read. This one had it's depressing moments but it was a very good read, and helpful.

Now, I"m in the middle of VINTAGE JESUS by Mark Driscoll. I enjoy his stuff. He's always got great things to say and has me laughing often. Halfway through this book it's obvious he's taking a different direction with this book. HIs wit still comes through but it's much less often. And, this book is more theological. He's co-written it with theology prof. and it shows. Still, well worth the read to this point.

Looking forward to our volunteer picnic tomorrow. Volleyball, baseball, bbq, pinata! football, and some futbol...

2 thoughts on “Disaster in Toto!”

  1. Thanks for the shout out for FUSION. I’m glad you found the book helpful!-Nelson Searcy

  2. Thanks Nelson, You’ve been a huge help to us.

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