Jeremy McGarity
June 13, 2008

Office Time

Just a quick intro to our worship leader Koby Orr. He just got back from his honeymoon...notice the smile!

And this is Roberto and a quick view on Friday as we get ready for a great Sunday!

4 thoughts on “Office Time”

  1. Scott Christian Bauer said:

    I’ve been watching Live at Five off and on for several years, and Koby is just about the most spirit-annointed worship leader I have ever had the honor to experience. Is he staying at Shadow Mountain or has he moved on to another church? Will I get to see more of him and the team online on Saturday nights and in the video archives? I HOPE SO! – Scott Christian Bauer, Salt Lake City, Utah

  2. Hey Scott,Koby will be at Seven San Diego every Sunday morning at 10:00am. He will also be at Shadow Mountain on Thursday nights beginning in the Fall for their ministry called EPIC. Unfortunately we do not have the video capabilities yet but it is something we are working on.

  3. Scott Christian Bauer said:

    Well, since I live in Salt Lake City, joining you guys for services is impossible. I did send you an email yesterday asking you to forward it to Koby, so hopefully you did. I wish you all God’s best in your efforts. I wish I could be a part of it. Peace.

  4. the office is just like i remember…

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