Welcome to 7SD Church Video
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L9EN8CGwQNA&hl=en&fs=1]
Available on the front page of our website at Hopefully, lots of people will see this and check us out, hopefully, they'll hear the TXT and start a TXTG relationship.
twin power mommy said:
That’s a cool vid.>Riley looked so handsome in it.>>The school looks nice. Can’t wait for my family to come and visit one of these times.>>Give your wife hugs for me.
Jeremy McGarity said:
you will love the set up at this school, it’s awesome. pray we can stay here until we can buy land and build!
twin power mommy said:
We will be praying for you guys. We always do!>>…and as i’m sure Janie told you, we need prayer for guidance on this new location your brother told us about in santee. We are going to try and take a trip out there in the next couple of weeks to check it out. It sounds REAL good, but we need to see it to know more.>>Thanks!
Jeremy McGarity said:
we will be praying, that could be awesome!