Jeremy McGarity
June 11, 2012

Let the DMIN Begin!

I love learning. I have embarked on a  journey to obtain a Doctor of Ministry degree with an emphasis in church growth and multiplication. I just completed the first residency which consisted of two weeks of classroom work from 8am to 5pm daily with lots of interaction with the professors. Dr. Gary McIntosh, Dr. George G. Hunter III and Dr. Dan Reeves led the discussions. I found it absolutely exhilarating. The days flew by so quickly that I found myself wanting more. I have learned a ton in this short time of residency... I really look forward to more.ImageImageImageImage

3 thoughts on “Let the DMIN Begin!”

  1. How exciting, I will be praying for you and this exciting ministry Pastor Jeremy. Keep up the good work!!

  2. Great job!! Keep up the good work!

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