Starting a church is hard…but sometimes…
I am SO PROUD of our team at 7SD. We started this church and there have been ups and there have been downs, many downs... but today was just such a special day. We were asked to give the chapel service at San Diego Christian College in Santee, Ca. Trevor Davis led our music for the college students as he does so masterfully on Sundays at 7SD, Brown Sugah did our Music Directing as he does every Sunday...also Masterfully! and he ripped it on Lead Guitar, Jacob Cruz on drums, Ben Barnes on Bass, RJ Emerick on guitar...THE MUSIC WAS SO AWESOME I ABOUT JUMPED OUT OF MY SKIN. I couldn't be more proud of our team. Marnie Stitzer, Ashley Inverso, Todd Jones, Bryan Kida, Lee Sherman made sure the set up was right, the sound was right, the video was right and on and on.... This team came together and put a service together at SDC that absolutely ROCKED! We were able to give the students a chapel service that most accurately reflected a Sunday service at 7SD. WAY TO GO TEAM! you guys are AMAZING!!! #ILOVEMYCHURCH! and I'm so thankful to be part of such a dynamic team of LEADERS!!! -- SERVANT LEADERS!!!
Thanks PJ! Thanks for building it!
If you build it (a satellite church) they will come.