Jeremy McGarity
March 4, 2020

God Doesn’t Gossip

In John 21, Jesus tells Peter how he’s going to die, to which Peter responds, “Well what about John?” I’m giving you the JIV translation (Jeremy International Version). Then Jesus says, “That’s none of your bee’s wax!” (JIV). 

When it comes down to it, we only need to know what God’s will is for one life ... our own (Romans 14:10-12). It’s God alone we’ll have to answer to for our actions. However, sometimes we put our own personal preferences on others. I’m guilty of it! I’ve put my own personal preferences on those of you who root for the Raiders. I’m concerned for your well-being. 

Often times Christians, like myself, cause more damage than good by confronting others (Raider Fans) about what they think “God has told them.” Now if I’m completely close minded and not in the Word or in prayer, then He may bring someone along to open my eyes. But let's be positive that our two cents are from God and not our own personal opinion or preferences.

Here are the 3 indicators that God has given you a message for someone else ...

  1. It won’t contradict what He’s already said. God is never going to tell you something that goes against His Word in the Bible. Be VERY careful not to use God’s name for your own preferences.
  2. God told them first. If God gave you a word for someone else, you should be praying that He has already told them. You don’t want to jump the gun and say something before God does a work in this person. Trust God to speak to them first. You can be confident, God’s not going to gossip to you.
  3. You didn’t know. Often times, God will use you without you even knowing about it. You’ll just be talking and something you say will trigger a change in their heart and mind. You may never even know that you’ve just confirmed something that they were wrestling about with God.

Here’s the reality. There is still hope that God is speaking to you…. if you’re not a Raider fan. 

No really, the reality is, God isn’t going to gossip to me about you OR about you to me. If you’re a believer, God is going to tell YOU. 

To learn more about how to recognize God's voice, visit our YouTube Channel and watch our Hearing God series.

1 comment

1 thought on “God Doesn’t Gossip”

  1. solid stuff brother …say it loud and say it with love.. May the truth set us free!

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