What a week!
I’m on the road just outside San Francisco at a gathering of pastors for Convoy of Hope. This incredible ministry serves our local community and the poorest of the poor all around the world. I’m out here to learn more about them and looking into how we can partner with them in the near future. Stay tuned for more information on that!
I’m also thrilled to be with our Executive Team meeting with a group of great people in the city of Pacifica (near San Francisco) as we discuss our next campus “Skyline Pacifica.” You’ll be hearing more about that soon!
Today, I want to talk about "loyalty." When conflict begins to heat up between those who are relationally close, it can be increasingly difficult to solve the problem. If a problem continues to go unsolved, the person you're close to can begin to feel like an enemy.
If you're not currently at odds, just make sure you’ve got these tools of loyalty ready to go because it's never IF you have conflict, it's always WHEN you have conflict, you'll want to be prepared with these habits.
It may seem impossible to affirm a loved one with loyalty during strenuous times, but today I want to encourage you with an easy way to remember practical keys to make this possible in your life. Use the ABC's to remember 3 ways to affirm loyalty during conflict.
Implement these habits of loyalty and when the fires of conflict begin to heat up, you’ll be able extinguish the flames before you get burned.
Godspeed 🙏🙏🙏🌎🌏🌍
Thanks for these ABC’s. Very true!
Good morning Pastor Jeremy,
I’ve met you at skyline church almost a year now, I love it. I’ve been at skyline before you came. I stopped coming to skyline because of Gallo because he has turned the church to one sided political entity. It was a relive to have you, since I’ve met you, you have never stray into political topics. You strictly preach the word of God which is refreshing and makes me want to come But today 7/5/2020, the pastor preach today at skyline is another Gallo brewing. Why did I say that? Go through his sermon he was going into political arena. He mentioned the media criticizing. But that’s not the purpose of the preaching, can he then tell me what I’m supposed to do when someone on a golf cart saying white power, ignore it? Assume it was not said or what? And yet if something is said we become a trouble maker? This pastor really blew all your preaching and position on social unrest for the past five weeks or so. Please keep him in lakeside or wherever he came from.
You might be referring to Tim’s message at this point: https://vimeo.com/435135984#t=23m42s
Not always the best idea to provide a counter example, much less a passionate counter example in the first person! See: Ironic Rebound. That pesky subconscious! Also, pesky half-awake listening skills! I know I had a good 4th because I sure felt it on the 5th!!
Tim can channel Spirit, see the 29 minute mark:
It is additionally wonderful to hear about all the good stuff that is happening within the body at Skyline.
Great post here, I have to work on #2. Im like an old judge in that I like to hear myself talk.