Jeremy McGarity
August 13, 2020

6 Week Challenge

The best things in life come through a commitment. One of my main goals in life is to help people get into the Word of God more and more. I'm confident in the power of the Word and I know how it has changed my life and I want more people to experience it as well.  That's why I became a pastor, my life was changed because of the Word and I started seeing more and more people's lives changed through the Word. Seeing lives changed has become an addiction of mine. 

Often times people ask, why doesn't the Bible change some people's lives? I believe there are a few reasons. It could be what I call the dilemma of difficulty. The Bible wasn't originally written in English. If someone doesn't understand the original languages, sometimes the meaning behind Scripture can get lost in translation. A lot of people give up in that moment and misunderstand who God says He is or how He's called us to live. There's also the factor of familiarity. Some people feel as if they're familiar enough. Familiarity can breed contempt and cause us to check out or have a lukewarm faith. But perhaps one of the most common hurdles is the principle of priority. We live fast paced lives and our check lists are a mile long so we simply don't make time in the Bible a priority.

Does your Bible time get pushed aside more often then you'd like? Let's talk about how to get committed to making time with God's Word a priority.

1. Crave. Think of something that you crave. You developed that craving over time and with consistency of use it became something you crave. That is the same idea Peter talks about in the Bible, "Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation" 1 Peter 2:2.

Maybe you're someone who's new to the Christian faith or you just can't get the idea of craving something so new to you.  This next point is for you ...

2.Consistency.  Have you ever heard the saying, yard by yard it's hard but inch by inch it's a cinch? The best way to develop the craving for the Word is to experience God's Word consistently! If you're not a reader, that's okay. You can listen to it or even watch it on the YouVersion App or our own Skyline Church App. But consistency is key. Whether it's for 1, 5, 10, 60, or 100's of minutes a day, getting into Scripture will absolutely change your life.

If you're trying to figure out this whole Christianity thing, you're not alone. "The Bereans examined the Word daily to see if what Paul was saying was true" Acts 17:11. Do what YOU CAN DO consistently.

3.Discuss it. Whether its your kids or friends, share what you're reading and learn about what others are experiencing with the Word. When you discuss it, you'll start to see the Bible becoming more real in your life. This step is transformational!

4. Go from Obligation to Habit. Many things that are a habit, start off as an obligation. We all started off brushing our teeth out of obligation. Over time, as we stayed committed it became a habit (at least for most people).  Sometimes things we have to start doing become things we want to keep doing. The same principle is true in the Word of God.

Maybe you start off feeling obligated, but as you dig in for your minute or 5 or 10 or more, consistently, the obligation becomes more and more of a habit that you can't imagine doing without. It may be as little as a verse a day, or more like a chapter a day, or even a book of the Bible a day ... your commitment to consistency is key. Philemon is only 25 verses. There are 31 Proverbs. That's a Proverb for each day of the month. If you miss a day you can easily get right back on track the next day.

There are so many ways to incorporate this habit into your daily routine, but I want to encourage you to start today! Join me for the next six weeks in taking time, whether it's a verse or more a day to read God's Word. Read at home or watch our Today Matters devotional Monday - Friday. Simply go to our Skyline Church App. or visit YouTube/Today Matters and start your day off with a quick devotional from myself and other pastors at Skyline Church. Each day I'll give you at least one verse that you will be able to apply to your life immediately.

You become what you're committed to. Tell me your commitments and I'll tell you where you're going to be in 5 years. Trust me, one of the most powerful commitments you could ever make is to the Word of God. It changed my life and it will change yours.


3 thoughts on “6 Week Challenge”

  1. Laura Smith said:

    Thank you for your encouragement. I am new to Skyline and I like your style. Maybe it’s because I haven’t been able to go to church for so long or that I have been lukewarm for a while, but I am excited again to see what the Lord has for me. I appreciate your boldness, Hope, and the enthusiasm That you bring. It encourages me to pick up and dive in again. Bless you Pastor Jeremy.

  2. Patsy Miller said:

    I started 2 weeks ago when you told us to read the bible every day just even minuets. WELL I have done very good I have read 11 days out of 14. even tho I listen to Today Matters I still read I started out in Proverbs jot the best But that is where I landed. I did stick to it. I will go to something else today Maybe Mathew. Thank You for doing most of the Baptizing last Sunday evening. You tore at my Heart strings. again. That was the most wonderful thing you could have done for the new belivers. I remember when I was and it was the pastor of the baptist church. Never will I forget what all was said. . Love you Mr Jeremy for all you give to your flock. see you Sunday nite Miss Patsy

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