Have you taken down your Christmas lights yet? Me either! For many, the holiday season runs through January 6th, the 12th day of Christmas. If you’ve never celebrated Three King’s Day, this might be the year to start a new tradition! What I love about this holiday is the story behind it. This Bible story can be found in Matthew 1, where a group of incredibly intelligent men (aka kings) follow a star that leads them to Jesus Christ, the Ultimate King!
At Skyline Church, we also follow a star. We call it our North Star, and we're constantly realigning ourselves to make sure we're headed in the right direction. A North Star keeps you on track when things may seem dark and dim. When you feel like you've lost your way, your North Star affirms that you're right where God wants you to be. When doubt creeps in, you can rest assured knowing you're headed in the right direction.
A North Star is an important aspect of church alignment. Can you imagine the wise men arguing over which star they ought to follow? That wouldn't be very wise at all. Thus, we too must rally together and align ourselves to the same purpose. If everyone is doing their own thing, you can be sure that we won’t get very far. But, if we’re all working toward the same goal, focused on the same North Star, great things can be accomplished for God’s Kingdom!
You may be wondering, what is Skyline Church’s North Star? While you may not hear us call it the North Star every day, you've probably heard us say ... we exist to help people find and follow Jesus seven days a week. THAT is our North Star!
We emphasize three words in this phrase. Find. Follow. And Seven.
We emphasize FIND because Jesus did.
In Luke 19:10, Jesus said, “I have come to seek and save the lost.” And in Luke 15:7 He states, “I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.” Jesus always emphasized reaching the lost.
We also emphasize FOLLOW.
Once people are found, we’re committed to teaching them the relevance of scripture to today’s generation. We find and follow, we reach and teach. Everyone needs a next step in their spiritual walk. It's the only way to keep moving forward. We have an intentional process of discipleship we take people through to help them reach their potential in following Jesus.
Lastly, we emphasize SEVEN.
We believe walking with Jesus is something we do seven days a week, not just on Sunday. God's mercies are new every morning and He is always doing something new. His teachings are applicable to all aspects of our life and we hope to walk through it with you every day.
As Three Kings day approaches, I'm reminded of our North Star. Just as the North Star led the wise men to the birthplace of Jesus, our North Star serves as a compass, leading us where God wants us to go. It's a powerful tool to get us through our darkest nights. If you don't have a North Star, we'd love for you to join us on the journey of helping people find a follow Jesus seven days a week.
Amen! With God’s word as our foundation!
Precious story!