Jeremy McGarity
August 12, 2022

Public School Disaster

Our Answer: Skyline Christian Academy
Why are we starting a Christian Academy at Skyline Church? 

Because we want to help people. 

The reason behind everything we do at Skyline Church is to help people find and follow Jesus seven days a week. One of the biggest areas of need in our community is in our education system. We want to raise kids that can stand up for their faith, their country, and know what is right and what is wrong. Yes, we believe in absolute truth. We believe God created them male and female. We believe that He has a plan for boys to become men and grow into their masculinity and a plan for girls to become women and grow into their femininity. We believe in the Constitution of the United States of America and we’re tired of people in political office trampling on it and indoctrinating our students against it. The insane ideas coming from politicians today didn’t just start happening. Where did they get these radicals ideas? These ideas were taught in the public school system and especially in our secular colleges and universities.

You've probably seen it on the news or know of people who have taken their kids out of the public school system. Enough is enough. What is going on in the public school system today is nothing less than indoctrination. In my recent blog, School Options, I shared how our public school system has been failing parents. This is what we get when we turn to our government for education--third graders celebrating Drag Queen Day and kids of all ages being exposed again and again to perverted sexualization. The curriculum has devolved into an anti-God, anti-Church, anti-male and female, anti-american, anti-human being system and most certainly an antinomianism system. It's socialism indoctrination to say the least. 

Roll Call

Public school students are in need of a place they can go where the politicization of the LBGTQ agenda and the far left radical agenda is absent. Children need an education where indoctrination isn't embedded into the curriculum. 

We know there are many public school teachers who are fighting the good fight. We have public school teachers at Skyline Church who are being light in the darkness of the public school system. Thank you for what you do! You are on the front lines. We need more people to fight for our next generation like you are and we want you to know we are praying for you! Every student matters to God and every student matters to us. 

Let’s Take That Hill

Skyline Church is taking a step forward in creating an academy that your kids will love.  At Skyline Christian Academy we are for both you and your kids. We'll come alongside you and help teach them who God has called them to be and so much more. We have a robust curriculum for your children that will teach them about our country, founding fathers, the constitution, and most importantly Jesus. These subjects used to be a staple in the public school system but have been substituted for the sexualized and politicized curriculum they are fed today. The public school system is confusing our kids and even destroying them. We want to show kids and teens that Christ has a plan and purpose for their life. Skyline Christian Academy is ready to stand together with families and build up our kids to walk strongly in the plan God has for their life. 

All In 

We cannot sit on the sidelines and not take action in our community. Starting an academy is not easy, but it is worth it. If you're a parent and you know it's time to pull your kids out of the public school system, Skyline Christian Academy might be the place for you. If you're interested, let us know and we'll give you all the information you need to help make a decision. 


19 thoughts on “Public School Disaster”

  1. Christina Laugaland said:


    • Currently birth through 8th (we have always had a learning center birth thru pre-k) but now we’ve added K-8 with plans to expand to high school next semester if there are many parents and students wanting it .

  2. said:

    What grades and how are you recruiting staff?

    • Stephanie Hadfield said:

      K-8th grade

    • Stephanie Hadfield said:

      Through parental participation. Getting the parents involved is ONE of the big things. The more parents and guardians we have involved. The more we can keep the Government and politics out of it.

    • Currently, K-8. We also have learning center we’ve had for years. So, technically birth- through 8th grade with expansion to high school next semester if we have people wanting that. Our teachers go through a process that starts with an interview with our academy directors. Several are former public school teachers who have been waiting for an academy like this.

  3. Jocelyn Anna Cook said:

    Thank you Pastor Jeremy! We need this! This poor kiddos.. I work subbing in the Lemon Grove School District and I do speak up to our students about our God! Thank you for starting this academy and Praying it grows and grows !

  4. Thank you for implementing SCA ! Brooklyn is entering into Kindergarten will only be exposed to true education and know Jesus. Absolute truth! We will be praying over the SCA team and our Skyline Church.

  5. Who should we contact about volunteering/subbing/specialty-subject teaching opportunities?

  6. Skyline Christian Academy said:

    If you’d like more information about Skyline Christian Academy, you can access the interest form on the Skyline Church App or by using the following link:

    We look forward to connecting with you!

  7. What are the immunization stand points-childhood vs covid??

  8. We are very excited to have both our girls attend the Academy! I volunteered at the pilot in May with my youngest attending and was very pleased. I love that you are the “teacher” essentially so you don’t have to worry about the scary things being taught in public schools and my girls get to learn about Jesus everyday. I also love that we don’t have to worry about any immunizations which is so amazing! We’re excited for the academy to start this month!

  9. As a teacher at another San Diego area Christian high school, I will be praying for your efforts. There cannot be enough Christian schools until every student has the opportunity to learn from an authentically Biblical perspective. May God bless your efforts!

  10. Connie (Constance) Lind said:

    I’m SOOOOO happy you are doing this! Hoping my grand-daughter can go some day!

  11. I saw the Buzz Lightyear movie just to see what the hoopla was about. It was worse than I thought. As much as I like Disney, I was extremely offended. Like how dare they?! This was a full blown attack on desensitizing our children.
    I turned it off. That’s what its going to take, saying no more, no more filth.
    Thank you for taking a stand Pastor and church members.
    Continue being a beacon on the Hill.
    Because it is about Eternity and Beyond 🙌

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