An Interview with Weslife Magazine

Recently, I had the privilege of talking with Jacob Gibson from Weslife Magazine. I was excited to share about all the life change that’s been taking place at Skyline Church. We love to celebrate people who are saying yes to Jesus EVERY week… I could talk about that all day. Click below to read the […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
July 13, 2024

Last month, I partnered with a new platform to reach more people for Christ. Over 13 million trusted users worldwide access regularly in search of biblical content. For a limited time, we’re able to offer our church family premium access (normally a $96/year value) on their app. Click here for free premium access.  You may […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
November 4, 2022

Enough Is Enough

National Surveys show that only 20% of church attendees VOTE. Too many Christians just sit back and say, “whatever” when it comes to voting. THAT.MUST.STOP. As a Believer, it is of utmost importance that we obey the Bible and “show honor where honor is due.” Voting is one of the primary ways we can honor […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
September 7, 2021

Avoiding Burn Out

No matter who you are or what city, state, or country you live in, you are allotted a maximum of 168 hours a week that comes in 24 hour segments called days and adds up to 7 days a week. Yet, if you’re like me, our to-do lists are never-ending and rest always appears just […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
June 15, 2021


Let’s talk numbers. Let’s talk data. Let’s get down to the science of what is going on and draw some conclusions based on the facts. There is a lot going on with the County of San Diego and its restrictions on what people can and cannot do. We want you to know that we take […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
July 29, 2020


Process: a series of progressive and interdependent steps by which an end result is attained. It’s all about the process. Why? Because the right process will produce the right results, your process will determine your success. It’s not all about the event. To be sure, the process leads to an event. The success of that […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
August 14, 2019


This was written by Tom Mercer… a great and important read. Another American city recently became famous, but for the wrong reason.  You and I have once again been reminded that demons of violence aren’t just occasional visitors. They have the uncanny ability to establish strongholds. And not just in warzones on the other side […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
February 28, 2018

Leadership Burnout

Although the formatting will not translate to my website, I have copied and pasted my dissertation below. Would be glad to answer any questions you might have about the research. The project was mostly geared toward pastors but many leaders in general were studied and the results can be applied to leadership roles in many cases. […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
March 6, 2017

How To Speak to JW and Mormon’s at Your Door

As I mentioned on Sunday, there is a seemingly renewed push by the Jehovah’s Witnesses and Mormons to recruit new adherents. In Lakeside and Santee they seem to be everywhere. In my neighborhood alone, I have seen them and engaged them multiple times in the last several months. I have seen them on consecutive weeks […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
June 27, 2016

Coddled Kids Crumble

Coddled Kids Crumble I thought this was a good article to pass along as coddling is an epidemic in America today. From not keeping score in youth sports leagues and everybody getting a trophy to parents going off on teachers and leaders who don’t coddle their kids as they do. This is from Posted […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
April 7, 2016

Jesus Didn’t Journal

This is a very good article on the different ways an introvert or an extrovert have “devotional” time. There is not necessarily one way. I think the most interesting point of the article is when the author states, “We all primarily see the world through our own lens. The problem is, especially in this area […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
August 13, 2013

Doing Something Everyday is Hard

New Years Resolutions and Time Management. The reality is that most people, about 70%, have already blown it when it comes to their New Years resolutions. Why don’t resolutions work very often? Craig Jarrow is a time management expert and he has some good insights on the subject. Doing Something Every Day Is Hard Read More

Jeremy McGarity
January 25, 2013
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