Over the past few weeks, we've been talking about THRIVING (not just surviving) in 2021. And last week, I challenged you to thrive in prayer by praying 10 minutes a day. We talked about the importance of consistency over intensity. It's called a challenge for a reason––it's not easy to make a new habit. So, if you didn't pray every day last week, that's okay. Keep at it, it’s worth it!
I'm currently doing a challenge of my own in addition to praying for at least 10 minutes a day. Reading the Bible in a year is something I do annually. I also read a Psalm and Proverb a day. I highly recommend it! It takes discipline to stick to any reading plan, which is why I want to encourage you today, to keep praying and sticking to your devotional time.
I have two book recommendations for anyone looking to dig deeper into their devotional time with a focus on prayer.
The first book is "Praying the Promises" by Max Lucado.This is a great little book to help jump-start and/or encourage your prayer life. Hebrews 4:12 says, "For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart." God meets us in His Word. This book will show you HOW scripture is alive with the promises of God and how you can pray them in your own life. It will show you how you can use Scripture to be more specific in your prayers, claim the promises of God, and invite the Holy Spirit to do what we cannot. It's a total game-changer, and I would encourage anyone who is looking to grow in their prayer life to give it a read.
Another really great devotional book is "Alone with God" by John MacArthur. This book has a guide for personal study and prayer activities to help anyone grow in their prayer life. MacArthur takes you in depth on the Lord’s Prayer and gives you practical tools to help ignite the power and passion you will discover in time spent with God.
These two books have impacted my prayer life, and I know they'll be a great resource for you too. As you dig deeper into your prayer life, you may find that you'd like to share some of your prayer requests with others. Praying in numbers is a VERY powerful thing. That's why our Pastors get together EVERY week at Skyline Church to pray for the many prayer requests of our people. Whether you go to Skyline or not, let us know how we can be praying for you by filling out a Prayer Request. Also, please let us know how the 10 Minute Prayer Challenge is going for you. It will help guide us in our prayers for you.
Remember, it’s not about perfection, it’s about progress. It’s not about intensity, it’s about consistency. Pour a bucket of water on a big boulder and all you get is a wet rock. You let a drop of water fall on that same rock, drip by drip consistently throughout the day, every day, and you will see a hole in that rock over time. Drop by drop you’ll get there!
God bless you!
Thanks for all you do for all of us…
You are truly blessed Jeremy…..The lord has to be proud of you,,
Keep doing what you do …Thanks again.
.God Bless You.
Thank you Eddie, I appreciate the encouragement! God bless you.
Back. at ya’ big guy….You’re the BEST
Thank you for the book suggestions, will be checking them out ❤️.
Great let us know what you think when you read them.. blessings