
Public School Disaster

Our Answer: Skyline Christian AcademyWhy are we starting a Christian Academy at Skyline Church?  Because we want to help people.  The reason behind everything we do at Skyline Church is to help people find and follow Jesus seven days a week. One of the biggest areas of need in our community is in our education […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
August 12, 2022

Monkeypox: Here We Go Again

Here We Go Again You’ve probably seen the news that the monkeypox virus is causing all kinds of problems across our country. However, the reality is that this virus is occurring mostly in men (98%) and in lesbian, gay, transgender communities in San Francisco and Los Angeles (95%). When this was pointed out to California […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
August 4, 2022

Summer Break-ing

No matter who you are or what city, state, or country you live in, you are allotted a maximum of 168 hours a week that comes in 24-hour segments called days which add up to 7 days in a week. Yet, if you’re like me, our to-do lists are never-ending, and rest always appears just […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
June 15, 2022

Slow Grow

Slow Grow Is Better Than No Grow We’re in a teaching series at Skyline Church that focuses on nine characteristics that God wants to see in growing Christians. These nine characteristics in Galatians are known as the fruits of the spirit. Notice the metaphor “fruit.” The original audience of the Apostle Paul’s writing was an agricultural community. […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
June 1, 2022

You Can Still Respond

You can still respond to God’s call. If you were at church on Easter Sunday and felt a nudge on your heart, but you ignored it … don’t keep ignoring it! Hebrews 3:8 warns us against hardening our hearts towards Christ. It was a very special Easter Sunday as 148 people went public with their […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
April 26, 2022

Do You Believe In Jeremy?

My Ant Problem The other day, I was sitting in my backyard and I was staring at my ant problem. We live on a verifiable ant hill. So, I am always seeing ants around. Believe me. Even though I try to keep them away, they are always around. As I was sitting there, I decided to […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
April 6, 2022

10 Minute Prayer Challenge

Everywhere we look, it seems the world is hurting. It’s difficult not to get emotionally exhausted when we look at everything that is going on. Our feelings can get the best of us. Our emotions can get out of control. However, when our emotions are under control, they are a powerful weapon against discouragement, depression, […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
March 9, 2022

Game Plan

Game Plan For Battle  Do you have a game plan for spiritual growth? I guarantee your opponent has a game plan to defeat you, and it isn’t pretty. There was a big game on February 13, and it’s really no surprise that the best team won. I mean, I predicted this before the game that […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
February 22, 2022

Mental Help

Cultivating a Healthy Mind Mental health is a very important topic that must be talked about in the church. I know it’s a touchy subject but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t talk about it. If the Bible talks about it, you can bet Skyline Church is going to talk about it! Right now, we’re in a teaching […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
February 2, 2022

Statement Of Faith

Many of you shared your New Years’ resolutions with me after I stated that “rooted” was our Word Of The Year at Skyline Church. I want to encourage you to make some spiritual goals this year as well. Or, statements of faith rather. Did you know goals are really statements of faith? What can you do this […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
January 20, 2022

2022 Word Of The Year

Every year I pray and go through a process for a Word of the Year for our church for the coming year.  For 2021 God gave me the word THRIVE. In all the chaos of the season when people were suffering and reeling from Covid and all the governmental mandates and division that came from […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
January 5, 2022

What To Focus On This Christmas

MERRY CHRISTMAS! At Skyline Church it has been such a joy to experience Christmas with you this December at our Christmas Tree Lighting events, in worship, daily devotionals, and during services on Sunday. We’ve been talking about the Christmas story and how it applies to us today. Many of you may be familiar with this story but […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
December 15, 2021

Beat Anxiety, Depression and Omicron

How do you beat anxiety, depression, coronavirus variants (omicron…really? come on!) and the negative news we get every day from the lamestream media? The attitude of gratitude is a powerful pill against viruses of all kinds. Give Thanks Thanksgiving is more than a one-time holiday during the year. Biblically, we’re to give thanks consistently to […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
December 2, 2021

A Heart To Give

Oftentimes, pastors are reluctant to talk about giving because of the way culture has taught us to think about money. Culture talks about giving in manipulative, coercive, and guilt-laying ways. But as many of you know, at Skyline we don’t shy away from hard topics. We’re dedicated to teaching the relevance of Scripture in truth […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
November 17, 2021

School Options

I want to make sure you know, as a parent, that there are options for you as you consider taking your kids out of public school. A website I’ve mentioned at church is This website gives you the steps, resources, and other options whether you’re considering or already have taken your kids out of public […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
November 2, 2021

4 Common Questions from Skyline Visitors

As a Pastor, I get A LOT of questions. And they are all good ones (well, most of them), so keep them coming. You can fill out a Connection Card, catch me in the lobby in-between services, or comment below and I’d be happy to answer that question you’ve been itching to ask! You may […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
October 5, 2021

Does Jesus Care?

If the tabloids, paparazzi and media were following Jesus around today, headlines would read “Jesus Doesn’t Care.” And that’s your cue to gasp! When it comes to media, it’s all about shock headlines, not necessarily the truth. On the surface, in John 11 it may seem as if Jesus did not care when one of His […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
September 21, 2021

Enough Is Enough

National Surveys show that only 20% of church attendees VOTE. Too many Christians just sit back and say, “whatever” when it comes to voting. THAT.MUST.STOP. As a Believer, it is of utmost importance that we obey the Bible and “show honor where honor is due.” Voting is one of the primary ways we can honor […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
September 7, 2021

Are You Willing To Forgive?

Even in the most perfect of relationships, there are going to be conflicts. You’re never going to agree on everything with someone, even if they are your best friend. My wife, Janie, doesn’t like country music. THAT represents a major sin in her life! And … I forgive her for that. There are a thousand […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
August 24, 2021

An Invite Can Change A Life

What is Salvation and How Does Someone Get It? Salvation is very simply the free gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. If we accept this free gift we are spared eternal separation from God. Although salvation is purely based on God’s grace, He chooses to use people like you and me as channels […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
August 11, 2021
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