Last month, I partnered with a new platform to reach more people for Christ. Over 13 million trusted users worldwide access regularly in search of biblical content. For a limited time, we’re able to offer our church family premium access (normally a $96/year value) on their app. Click here for free premium access.  You may […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
November 4, 2022

One Word

One word can change your life. Scripture tells us that words can set a fire (James 3:6), or words can heal (Proverbs 16:24). The Bible also says, “The tongue has the power of life and death…” (Proverbs 18:21).That’s why I was very intentional about praying and asking God about a word to focus on in 2021 at […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
January 12, 2021

Three Kings Follow A Star

Have you taken down your Christmas lights yet? Me either! For many, the holiday season runs through January 6th, the 12th day of Christmas. If you’ve never celebrated Three King’s Day, this might be the year to start a new tradition! What I love about this holiday is the story behind it. This Bible story can be […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
January 5, 2021

Word Of The Year

Whenever it came time to make a tough decision in 2020, which happened often, we came back to one word. Our word of the year, at Skyline Church, was Model. Whether it meant pivoting to online services, reopening our doors, or keeping our doors open, we have strived to exemplify a Model Church.  Every year, through prayer and […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
December 13, 2020


What does it look like to have a model faith? I’m not talking about a perfect faith. The faith journey is never one of perfection, but it should be one of progress. I’m talking about a way to practically model faith. Can you envision it? My vision of a model faith is like a North Star. It doesn’t mean […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
October 30, 2020

Interested or Committed?

What are you expecting God to do in your life? There’s a law that God has established … I call it “the law of expectation.” The fact is, we tend to get what we “expect” out of life. We often see what we expect to see, hear what we expect to hear, feel the way […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
July 22, 2020


Process: a series of progressive and interdependent steps by which an end result is attained. It’s all about the process. Why? Because the right process will produce the right results, your process will determine your success. It’s not all about the event. To be sure, the process leads to an event. The success of that […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
August 14, 2019

New Year’s Goals and Resolutions

“Happy New Year” I love the new year. I love new beginnings. I love setting new goals for the new year and making resolutions to reach them. According to[1] The top resolutions made are 1 Lose Weight / Healthier Eating 21.4% 2 Life / Self Improvements 12.3% 3 Better Financial Decisions 8.5% 4 Quit […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
January 4, 2018

Leadership Burnout

Although the formatting will not translate to my website, I have copied and pasted my dissertation below. Would be glad to answer any questions you might have about the research. The project was mostly geared toward pastors but many leaders in general were studied and the results can be applied to leadership roles in many cases. […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
March 6, 2017

Leaving Comfort and other musings

What is it like to leave comfort, to leave the knowable, the familiar, the routine perhaps? Welcome to my life. It seems I worked so hard to get to a point where my head is above water. I know the schedule, the routine, the process, what it takes to do what I need to do […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
April 11, 2007
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