Jeremy McGarity
October 2, 2020

Praying Politics

As Bible believing Christians, we believe in the importance of voting. We knooow politics-everyone-off. But the 2020 elections are quickly approaching, and as a pastor, my goal is to make sure you have the information you need to make the most informed decision you can. As Christians we can't bury our heads in the sand and pretend this is a taboo topic and ignore our responsibilities.

Skyline Church will be providing resources for those who are looking for clarity and biblical understanding of the candidates and issues during this time. To be clear, I am not looking to create division. I recognize that every political party is likely represented in God's church all over the nation. No matter what party you identify with, we can pray for our leaders and the 2020 election. We may not have unity across our nation on a variety of topics, but surely we can have unity and agreement when it comes to the biblical mandate to pray for our political leaders. 

1 Timothy 2:1-3 says 

"The first thing I want you to do is pray. Pray every way you know how, for everyone you know. 2 Pray especially for rulers and their governments to rule well so we can be quietly about our business of living simply, in humble contemplation. 3 This is the way our Savior God wants us to live” (Mes).

Notice, it says to pray "especially" for rulers and their governments... Today, I want to encourage you and lead you in some prayers as we prepare our hearts and minds to confidently vote. When Jesus said to pray...even for our enemies...(Matthew 5:44) He didn't say it would be easy, but, as Christians, it is required. You may be on the opposite end of the issue from a candidate, you may not vote for them, but you can pray for them. Would you say these prayers along with me. 

Thank you for your Word that guides us in how to live. We praise You for this resource as it reminds us in 1 Timothy 2 to pray for our governmental leaders, those in authority, and those who carry the weight of high responsibility. Your Word also gives us peace of mind to know that You are in control. We can be still and know that You are God, You are exalted among the nations and in the earth. We delight ourselves in You and have many things to be grateful for in this trying season. Most importantly, we thank You for Your Son Jesus, who paid (in full) for our sins so that we may be reunited with You.

[Take a few minutes to specifically express things you're are thankful for.]

We ask you to have mercy on us, forgive your people, and cleanse us from sinfulness. Help us to forgive each other, and pray for one another.

 [Take a few minutes to ask God to specifically forgive your actions, the actions of others, and political actions you believe violate God’s will for His people.] 

We pray that You would bless, guide, and protect voters, government leaders, first responders, news/media outlets, and those with strong influence in our nation. 

Bless them with divine wisdom as they navigate the hurdles you know are ahead. 

Give these people discernment to know when to go against the tide, courage to stand for Your principles, and integrity to lead Your people well.
Be their Rock when others rise against them and grant them protection against what they cannot see. 

We pray that You would lead us to vote for the right candidates. You already know the outcome of this election. You are our refuge and fortress and we trust in You. We pray that whoever is elected, that they would, among other things …
Fight for the freedom and rights of Your people. Fight for the unborn. Fight for religious freedom. And unselfishly fight for our City, State, and Nation.
We pray that our faith would grow exponentially during this season. Allow our depth and understanding of Your love towards us to grow each day. 
In the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen. 

Stayed tuned at for more resources on how we can vote with our faith in mind. 

As a spiritual shepherd, I’m relentlessly dedicated to sharing God’s truth with you. At Skyline Church, I am teaching a series called Time Outthat speaks to the relevance of the book of Revelation. I’m sensitive to those who are checking out church for the first time, however this is a topic that you’re not going to hear in churches very often. When you tie this sermon series into what it going on in 2020, we can see how important the book of Revelation is, especially as we educate ourselves in preparation to vote.

I want to invite you to come to Skyline Church in person at any of our three campuses, or to watch this series online. Share it with friends and family. And stay tuned for more resources in the next few weeks. Stay in God's Word and stay in prayer. God bless. 


7 thoughts on “Praying Politics”

  1. Susan Rackley said:

    Thank you for this very timely message! The birth pains are sure tough! It’s so important to remember that God already knows the outcome of the coming elections, and that He is in control, and is always our refuge and strength. Thank you for speaking up and reminding us who we are in Christ!

  2. Laura Smith said:

    Once again Jeremy, I appreciate your courage to shepherd your flock in boldness. It’s time to pray even louder, it feels like a coup is happening. How is it only Republicans are getting Covid-19? It’s terrifying to think about all the possibilities that are happening in this country. Dr. Judy Milkovich said,” if we don’t stop this, we can forget this republic , our freedoms and humanity as we know it because we will be killed by the agenda.” Thank you for your teachings in Revelations and that We can put our trust in Jesus Christ. Thankfully He is our Rock. Go Padres 😀

  3. Joshua Cramlett said:

    🙏🙏🙏🌎🌎🌎 Thank you for helping me out my thoughts into prayer!

  4. Alexandra Motz said:

    Pastor Jeremy: Thank you for your faithfulness to stretch us more in the image of our Lord Jesus. Thank you for leading us and teaching us what is our civic duty as Christians and what should be our response. May the Lord continue to guide you in truth and courage.

  5. DJ Wilson said:

    Amen! So great to finally attend a church that is bold and fearless. I sincerely appreciate the lack of lukewarm leadership and messages at Skyline.

    Many Americans forget that the original guidance and inspiration that led to the founding of this great nation came from our pulpits. Preach!

  6. Jeff Boles said:

    Strong work Jeremy! The Lord is working through you and touching so many seeking the truth. This series has been an eye opener for our family and friends. We are glad to have Skyline as our new home church. Thank you for keeping it real and showing true leadership.

  7. Looking forward to reading and studying the new post, Praying Politics, by Pastor Jeremy.


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