Do You Believe In Jeremy?

My Ant Problem The other day, I was sitting in my backyard and I was staring at my ant problem. We live on a verifiable ant hill. So, I am always seeing ants around. Believe me. Even though I try to keep them away, they are always around. As I was sitting there, I decided to […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
April 6, 2022

2022 Word Of The Year

Every year I pray and go through a process for a Word of the Year for our church for the coming year.  For 2021 God gave me the word THRIVE. In all the chaos of the season when people were suffering and reeling from Covid and all the governmental mandates and division that came from […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
January 5, 2022


What does it mean to be Kindom-minded? Simply stated: We are all on the same team! The goal is to help people find and follow Jesus. And it’s going to take more workers to harvest the billions of people out there who have not experienced a relationship with Jesus Christ.  Our Philosophy in helping staff […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
April 13, 2021

Find A Church Family

I am grateful for the recent Supreme Court decision calling the California ban on church gatherings unconstitutional. All the way back in June, after doing our research and understanding the data on Covid-19 we decided the risks of remaining closed far outweighed the benefits. We weren’t going to wait for a future Supreme Court decision […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
February 9, 2021

The Power of an Hour

According to Christianity Today, 85% of churches are dying. That statistic was given before COVID. Imagine after COVID! We won’t know the full impact of this season for some time but we can see it unfolding before our eyes. I’ve said it before, “I LOVE THE LOCAL CHURCH.” Yes, all of them (that preach the Word of […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
November 6, 2020


What does it look like to have a model faith? I’m not talking about a perfect faith. The faith journey is never one of perfection, but it should be one of progress. I’m talking about a way to practically model faith. Can you envision it? My vision of a model faith is like a North Star. It doesn’t mean […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
October 30, 2020

Biblical Understanding = Lives Changed

It’s a special time in SO many ways. On one hand, there are so many churches closed and will not reopen all over the world. While this happens in a typical year it is especially true in 2020. At Skyline Church, we decided to open (after clearly understanding the virus and it’s risks) and stay […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
October 23, 2020

ABC’s for Loyalty

What a week!  I’m on the road just outside San Francisco at a gathering of pastors for Convoy of Hope. This incredible ministry serves our local community and the poorest of the poor all around the world. I’m out here to learn more about them and looking into how we can partner with them in the near […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
July 2, 2020

Defeat Discouragement

Today I want to talk about one of the biggest hurdles in our faith. It’s one of the enemy’s favorite tools in keeping us from growing––not just spiritually … but economically and educationally. In fact, I don’t think there’s one area of your life that isn’t affected by this obstacle.  Today, I want to talk […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
June 3, 2020

Are You Wrestling?

Who are you wrestling with in your life? Your spouse, your kids, an in-law, a neighbor? Or maybe you’re wrestling with your finances, a car, your job, or even your health. One thing for sure is we’re all wrestling with the restrictions and affects of this quarantine right now.  IT’S. NOT. EASY. If you’re in a […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
May 27, 2020

Coronavirus Response

Click here for video message: In the last 24 hours, we have been diligently discussing our response to the Coronavirus (COVID-19). After the mandate from our government to suspend gatherings of 250 our more, we will be moving all services online starting this Sunday, March 15. Online services will be at 9:00 AM, 10:30 AM, 3:00 PM, and 5:00 PM.  In addition to […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
March 12, 2020

Church Home

Finding a church home can be intimidating. Is there a certain protocol? You may be wondering … when do I stand up or when do I sit down? Is there a dress code? Hey, I’ve been there! And I just want to say, relax. One indicator that you’re closer to finding your church home is when […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
February 19, 2020


The Future of Skyline and Seven San Diego Church Read More

Jeremy McGarity
October 3, 2018

Is Worship Music Headed for a Crash?

I’m really thankful for our worship team. We have a great worship pastor in @trevordavismusic and we have a great humble band. This article is worth the read, although I don’t agree with all the writer says, it is worth the read. See it here: Read More

Jeremy McGarity
July 17, 2014

Missions Meeting

Getting ready for a missions meeting of sorts. We are partnering with San Miguel Community Church to do a community wide Youth Olympics for kids in K-6th grades. We will also do this in conjunction with a church from Houston Texas who will send a team of 25 young people here to help us with […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
June 26, 2008

A Great Week

It’s been a great week. We had Sagemont Church from Houston Texas in town for the week helping us with missions work in the Chula Vista community. This is a college group of 22 people that gave up a week of their vacation to make a difference in our community. They are such a great […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
May 20, 2008
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