An Interview with Weslife Magazine

Recently, I had the privilege of talking with Jacob Gibson from Weslife Magazine. I was excited to share about all the life change that’s been taking place at Skyline Church. We love to celebrate people who are saying yes to Jesus EVERY week… I could talk about that all day. Click below to read the […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
July 13, 2024
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Do You Believe In Jeremy?

My Ant Problem The other day, I was sitting in my backyard and I was staring at my ant problem. We live on a verifiable ant hill. So, I am always seeing ants around. Believe me. Even though I try to keep them away, they are always around. As I was sitting there, I decided to […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
April 6, 2022
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Marriage Is Cake

We’re in a brand-new teaching series at Skyline Church that we’re calling Relationship Rehab. Coming out of Covid and lockdowns and all the anger and division that has been going on, we need to look at our relationships from a biblical perspective. What does God say about our relationships? Our relationships can truly use some […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
May 18, 2021
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Repent! Nothing like that word to turn someone off to what you’re going to say next. But, hang with me … We’ve all got issues and problems that we deal with in life. Sometimes the source of our problems keep us from repenting and moving on. Where do the problems in our life come from? […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
May 4, 2021
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Spring Training Fundamentals

Baseball is back! Opening Day is scheduled for April 1, and while I had my doubts with it falling on April Fool’s Day, I’m so excited for the Padres to finally kick-off the 2021 season! We came close last year, but THIS year … this is the year! Just like every other team, the Padres went through […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
March 30, 2021
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Next Step

One of my goals as a pastor is to help you take your NEXT step of faith. Everyone’s got a “next step.” Whether you’re new or have been in the faith for a long time, we believe it’s important to never feel like we have “arrived.” We don’t want to coast in our relationship with the Lord. […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
February 16, 2021
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God is FOR you

Life struggles are inevitable. And as the year 2020 comes to a close, challenges continue to emerge at new levels of difficulty every day. You’re not alone in asking God to deliver you from the troubles that have been making regular appearances in your life.  This year, many of you have planted a mustard seed […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
December 4, 2020
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What does it look like to have a model faith? I’m not talking about a perfect faith. The faith journey is never one of perfection, but it should be one of progress. I’m talking about a way to practically model faith. Can you envision it? My vision of a model faith is like a North Star. It doesn’t mean […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
October 30, 2020
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Biblical Understanding = Lives Changed

It’s a special time in SO many ways. On one hand, there are so many churches closed and will not reopen all over the world. While this happens in a typical year it is especially true in 2020. At Skyline Church, we decided to open (after clearly understanding the virus and it’s risks) and stay […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
October 23, 2020
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Growing in Faith

Faith is SO important that Hebrews tells us it’s impossible to please God without it. But be encouraged because faith takes time to develop and God wants us to grow in our faith.  The Bible is clear that planning and preparing is wise, but there will come a time when you have planned all you can, prepared all you […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
September 17, 2020
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Misery is Optional

We need to realize that suffering is unavoidable. In fact, we need to be prepared to suffer. While it’s true that suffering is unavoidable, misery is optional. We don’t have to be miserable when we suffer, it’s all in how we choose to see things. Since the day you said that you’re a Christian, you were put […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
August 20, 2020
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6 Week Challenge

The best things in life come through a commitment. One of my main goals in life is to help people get into the Word of God more and more. I’m confident in the power of the Word and I know how it has changed my life and I want more people to experience it as […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
August 13, 2020
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Interested or Committed?

What are you expecting God to do in your life? There’s a law that God has established … I call it “the law of expectation.” The fact is, we tend to get what we “expect” out of life. We often see what we expect to see, hear what we expect to hear, feel the way […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
July 22, 2020
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Prescription for Change

Did you know that in a typical year about 2,000 self-help books come out on the market? Advertisers know that everybody is interested in change. The thing about self-help books and even many of the self-help podcasts out there, is that they tell you to stop doing this and start doing that, which is usually good […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
July 9, 2020
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ABC’s for Loyalty

What a week!  I’m on the road just outside San Francisco at a gathering of pastors for Convoy of Hope. This incredible ministry serves our local community and the poorest of the poor all around the world. I’m out here to learn more about them and looking into how we can partner with them in the near […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
July 2, 2020
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Controlling Your Tongue

Shut up! Is that too harsh? I think it might be appropriate for some of the stuff that flows so freely across the thumbs of the most prolific social media “influencers” and shock jocks across our nation. Our words can bite, can’t they? James 3:2 says that “if we could control our tongues, we would be […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
June 24, 2020
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Are You Wrestling?

Who are you wrestling with in your life? Your spouse, your kids, an in-law, a neighbor? Or maybe you’re wrestling with your finances, a car, your job, or even your health. One thing for sure is we’re all wrestling with the restrictions and affects of this quarantine right now.  IT’S. NOT. EASY. If you’re in a […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
May 27, 2020
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How Can Faith in God Help Anxiety

Last Thursday, I had the privilege of joining Mike Slater live on AM600 KOGO. The main question that we discussed was, “How Can Faith In God Help Anxiety?” At Skyline Church, we’ve experienced a heightened community response due to COVID19. It seems that now more than ever, people are asking God legitimate questions. People are realizing that they aren’t in control […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
April 22, 2020
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Remedies for Robbery

In Skyline Church’s new daily devotional, Today Matters, (which you can see on our YouTube page “Skyline Church San Diego”) we’ve been walking through the book of Philippians and talking about things that rob our happiness. It seems that when our routines are disrupted (as they have been the past several weeks), it’s a lot easier […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
April 15, 2020
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Sick of Sickness?

Sick days just set you back. The good news is there is a great way to avoid the dreaded cold & flu and various other illnesses that hit us especially during this time of year. Studies show you can reduce sick days by at least half if you exercise regularly. Add eating well and getting […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
January 23, 2014
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