
Wonder Don’t you love the wonder of Christmas? The lights, sights, sounds, tastes, expectation–Christmas is an exciting time! At Skyline Church especially, it’s a beautiful time of year. We go all out this time of year at our Christmas Eve Services! Around the world, in different countries, people commemorate the birth of Jesus in several […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
November 27, 2023

Unwrap The Gift

Advent Whether or not you are lighting the Advent candles this year, I want to make sure that we understand the themes, gifts, and promises from God laid out in the Bible. I did a message series covering the advent themes of Love, Joy, Peace. You can check out that series here Unwrapped Christmas Series […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
November 21, 2023

KUSI NEWS-Pastor Addresses San Diego Homelessness

Early this week, I had the privilege of talking with our friends at KUSI NEWS about a few things that Skyline Church has been up to. Tune in to the interview below for more on how Skyline is bringing light to dark places, addressing San Diego’s homelessness, and Easter services. We say it all the […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
March 24, 2023

Give Thanks In Faith

How do you beat anxiety, depression, and Seasonal Affective Disorder (S.A.D.)?  The attitude of gratitude is a powerful pill against viruses of all kinds. Give Thanks Thanksgiving is more than a one-time holiday during the year. Biblically, we’re to give thanks consistently to the Lord. One verse that I repeatedly come back to is Psalm […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
November 23, 2022

You Can Still Respond

You can still respond to God’s call. If you were at church on Easter Sunday and felt a nudge on your heart, but you ignored it … don’t keep ignoring it! Hebrews 3:8 warns us against hardening our hearts towards Christ. It was a very special Easter Sunday as 148 people went public with their […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
April 26, 2022

Do You Believe In Jeremy?

My Ant Problem The other day, I was sitting in my backyard and I was staring at my ant problem. We live on a verifiable ant hill. So, I am always seeing ants around. Believe me. Even though I try to keep them away, they are always around. As I was sitting there, I decided to […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
April 6, 2022

Statement Of Faith

Many of you shared your New Years’ resolutions with me after I stated that “rooted” was our Word Of The Year at Skyline Church. I want to encourage you to make some spiritual goals this year as well. Or, statements of faith rather. Did you know goals are really statements of faith? What can you do this […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
January 20, 2022

2022 Word Of The Year

Every year I pray and go through a process for a Word of the Year for our church for the coming year.  For 2021 God gave me the word THRIVE. In all the chaos of the season when people were suffering and reeling from Covid and all the governmental mandates and division that came from […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
January 5, 2022

The Most Important Answer

Why is it that over 3 billion people are celebrating this week around the globe? As we turn our attention to Holy Week, the most important week in Christianity, I’m confident there are some of you reading this who may not understand the significance of Holy Week. Or, you have someone in your Oikos (relational network) who […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
April 8, 2020

Who Knows My Future

What a week! And what a Sunday! We saw 20 people make a decision for Jesus Christ … online! When Jesus said He was going to build His church, He meant it. And nothing is going to stop that. For the near future, we will continue to be the church in a virtual experience, yet […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
March 17, 2020


Process: a series of progressive and interdependent steps by which an end result is attained. It’s all about the process. Why? Because the right process will produce the right results, your process will determine your success. It’s not all about the event. To be sure, the process leads to an event. The success of that […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
August 14, 2019

New Year’s Goals and Resolutions

“Happy New Year” I love the new year. I love new beginnings. I love setting new goals for the new year and making resolutions to reach them. According to StatisticBrain.com[1] The top resolutions made are 1 Lose Weight / Healthier Eating 21.4% 2 Life / Self Improvements 12.3% 3 Better Financial Decisions 8.5% 4 Quit […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
January 4, 2018

Leadership Burnout

Although the formatting will not translate to my website, I have copied and pasted my dissertation below. Would be glad to answer any questions you might have about the research. The project was mostly geared toward pastors but many leaders in general were studied and the results can be applied to leadership roles in many cases. […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
March 6, 2017

Doing Something Everyday is Hard

New Years Resolutions and Time Management. The reality is that most people, about 70%, have already blown it when it comes to their New Years resolutions. Why don’t resolutions work very often? Craig Jarrow is a time management expert and he has some good insights on the subject. Doing Something Every Day Is Hard Read More

Jeremy McGarity
January 25, 2013
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