Jeremy McGarity
October 12, 2023

Is It Breaking News?

Terror in Israel, Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran and the atrocities these terrorist organizations inflict on innocent people is nothing but pure evil. Evil in its obvious form. Is it breaking news if Jesus told us to expect it? It's no coincidence that Israel is at war. The devastating attacks by Hamas earlier this week have flooded news stations around the globe. But Christians have known for thousands of years that persecution, attacks, and war would be on the rise as we draw closer to the "end of the world." The Moroccan earthquake, flooding in Libya, Maui fires, and even COVID doesn't scratch the surface compared to what is to come. If it seems like every which way you turn, you're seeing the world unravel, it's because it is. It's time for people to wake up and see the signs of the times. Join us at Skyline Church in our newest sermon series, Apocalypse Awakening: End Times Unveiled.

End Times Timeline

As a Pastor, it's in my job description to exhort, encourage, and warn God's flock. Warning messages aren't the most fun to preach. This series is going to feel heavy. And that's because it is! In our message on Sunday, we talked about the timeline of the "End Times." We're currently living in the Church Age, pictured below. In our first message in this series, we dove into the Rapture. This past Sunday, we took a closer look at Tribulation. Get those messages here. And, if you’re wondering what is to come of Israel, we only need to look at what God says, “I will make Jerusalem an immovable rock. All the nations will gather against it to try to move it, but they will only hurt themselves” Zechariah 12:3 (NLT).

End Times Timeline


The "end of the world" discussion often causes a lot of fear and anxiety in people. And I recognize that. If you did not already know, I want to remind you that our counseling services are available to you. Suppose you feel overwhelmed during this series or all that's happening worldwide. Let us know! At Skyline, you never have to walk alone. And let me reassure our Christian brothers and sisters not to worry. It's like when you pre-record the Padre Game but get a notification on your phone that they won before you've sat down to watch the game. When you go back and see your team down in the fifth inning, you don't sweat it because you know the end result. It's the same with this timeline. We already know God's won. So all the bad news I have to warn you about doesn't compare to the joy of the good news of Jesus Christ.


Jesus gave us these words to prepare us, not to scare us. He said, "you will hear of wars, and threats of wars, but do not panic. Yes, these things must take place but the end will not take place immediately. Nation will go to war against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famine, and earthquakes in many parts of the world. But all this is only the first of the birth pains, with more to come." Matthew 24:6-8.

For some people, that's enough. To see that Jesus said something will happen and it happens is enough to turn people from their old way of life and follow Him. For others, it takes a little bit more. But we're seeing record-high numbers of people coming to Christ! People recognize the prevalence of evil in the world and realize they need to figure out what side of the fence they are on. At Skyline, we've had 3,081 decisions for Christ JUST IN 2023! Every one of those names has a story, and every story matters to God!! But it's not just at Skyline. We're seeing revival all over the world of people deciding to follow Christ. Skyline has even had the opportunity to participate in this global revival through our Missions Field, as we shared in our most recent Faith & Culture Podcast.

Share The Breaking News of Christ

When you see "breaking news" on your TV, phone, or tablet, it should not freak you out. But it should confirm what you already know about God's Word. Now more than ever, we need to obey Jesus to seek and save the lost. Revelation 1:3 says, "God blesses the one who reads the words of this prophecy to the church, and he blesses all who listen to its message and obey what it says, for the time is near." We cannot just be hearers of the Word. We must obey the Word. And when we do, it transforms us and blesses us in return.

No one goes to hell by accident folks. When we look at this topic, we must have a framework considering the end times. Everything has a beginning and an end. You and I are in the middle. What are you going to do with the time you have? Share the breaking news of how Jesus changed your life with someone you know today ... because today matters.


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