Is It Breaking News?

Terror in Israel, Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran and the atrocities these terrorist organizations inflict on innocent people is nothing but pure evil. Evil in its obvious form. Is it breaking news if Jesus told us to expect it? It’s no coincidence that Israel is at war. The devastating attacks by Hamas earlier this week have flooded […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
October 12, 2023

Why Should I Lent?

Lent is a forty day season from Ash Wednesday to Holy Saturday (the day before Easter). During the Lenten season Christians take time to focus on removing (fasting) anything that may be distracting them or hindering their relationship with the Lord. It can be an incredible time of purification, repentance, renewal, simple living, and overall […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
February 21, 2023

You Can Still Respond

You can still respond to God’s call. If you were at church on Easter Sunday and felt a nudge on your heart, but you ignored it … don’t keep ignoring it! Hebrews 3:8 warns us against hardening our hearts towards Christ. It was a very special Easter Sunday as 148 people went public with their […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
April 26, 2022

Game Plan

Game Plan For Battle  Do you have a game plan for spiritual growth? I guarantee your opponent has a game plan to defeat you, and it isn’t pretty. There was a big game on February 13, and it’s really no surprise that the best team won. I mean, I predicted this before the game that […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
February 22, 2022

2022 Word Of The Year

Every year I pray and go through a process for a Word of the Year for our church for the coming year.  For 2021 God gave me the word THRIVE. In all the chaos of the season when people were suffering and reeling from Covid and all the governmental mandates and division that came from […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
January 5, 2022

A Heart To Give

Oftentimes, pastors are reluctant to talk about giving because of the way culture has taught us to think about money. Culture talks about giving in manipulative, coercive, and guilt-laying ways. But as many of you know, at Skyline we don’t shy away from hard topics. We’re dedicated to teaching the relevance of Scripture in truth […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
November 17, 2021

An Invite Can Change A Life

What is Salvation and How Does Someone Get It? Salvation is very simply the free gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. If we accept this free gift we are spared eternal separation from God. Although salvation is purely based on God’s grace, He chooses to use people like you and me as channels […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
August 11, 2021


What does it mean to be Kindom-minded? Simply stated: We are all on the same team! The goal is to help people find and follow Jesus. And it’s going to take more workers to harvest the billions of people out there who have not experienced a relationship with Jesus Christ.  Our Philosophy in helping staff […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
April 13, 2021

Team Colors

God’s game is back! Did you know baseball is God’s game? The Bible DOES start in Genesis by saying, “In the BIG-INNING!”Get it?Beginning… Big-INNING.In the … you get it. Anyway, I’m so excited to kick off another amazing season of baseball! We’re a just a couple weeks away from Spring Training, if they don’t push it back […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
February 2, 2021

Your Mission, Should You Choose To Accept It

We’ve been given a very clear mission in Scripture. Any Mission Impossible fans out there? This is your mission, should you choose to accept it… From Acts 20:24 we read, “My only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the good news of God’s […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
January 26, 2021

The Most Important Answer

Why is it that over 3 billion people are celebrating this week around the globe? As we turn our attention to Holy Week, the most important week in Christianity, I’m confident there are some of you reading this who may not understand the significance of Holy Week. Or, you have someone in your Oikos (relational network) who […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
April 8, 2020


September 2, 1997 was a big day for me and my friend Dukes Knutsen. We were both Christians  and Dukes was our local Fellowship of Christian Athletes leader in Duluth, Minnesota when I was playing Independent League baseball for the Duluth Superior Dukes of the Northern League. While we had both been Christians for years […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
September 5, 2019

How To Speak to JW and Mormon’s at Your Door

As I mentioned on Sunday, there is a seemingly renewed push by the Jehovah’s Witnesses and Mormons to recruit new adherents. In Lakeside and Santee they seem to be everywhere. In my neighborhood alone, I have seen them and engaged them multiple times in the last several months. I have seen them on consecutive weeks […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
June 27, 2016


Since my last post we’ve had another 20+ people say YES! to Jesus for the first time. This is exciting and it never gets old!!! This is why we started 7SD church. However, the reality check is that there are 50,000 people in Lakeside and nearby unincorporated areas, not to mention the 95,000 in neighboring […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
November 8, 2012

Salvations and Baptisms

Salvations and Baptisms!! Over the last week or so we saw 14 people say Yes to Jesus for the first time and also celebrated 8 Baptisms!! That is awesome. We helped start more parties in heaven! We are so excited about the over 125 People who have said YES to Jesus for the first time […] Read More

Jeremy McGarity
October 17, 2012
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